Welcome to us during the winter midterm break! Opening hours

Frågor och svar kring företagssamarbete

Can we as a company or association use Nordens Ark's logo on our website?

Nordens Ark's logo may only be used by our partners where we have extensive collaboration agreements and careful control over the partners. Unfortunately, we do not lend the logo for shorter collaborations.

Can we write that we support Nordens Ark on our website?

To get access to our digital communication kits, you must donate at least SEK 30,000 during the year. However, it is fine to write in the running text that you support Nordens Ark and link to our website.

What is the difference between a donation and a collaboration?

A donation does not imply any obligations or agreements. Nordens Ark sends a digital thank you for sharing or printing as a thank you to companies that make a donation.

A partner and a sponsor hosting is a collaboration and an agreement is drawn up. Being a partner is a long-term commitment where we work together and set goals together.

We want to get more involved, what can we help with?

As a company, you may have a product or service that can be helpful in Nordens Ark's operations. Get in touch with us at [email protected], and we'll talk more.