The park is open on weekends from March 22nd - welcome! Opening hours

Contact us

Nordens Ark
Åby säteri
456 93 Hunnebostrand
Org. nr 854600 - 6191
Tel 0523-795 90
Fax 0523-520 87
[email protected] 


Mats Höggren, CEO
+46 523-795 91
[email protected]

Linnéa Johansson, executive Vice President
+46 523-791 84
linnea [email protected]

Linda Gadd, HR
+46 523-795 96
[email protected]

Susanne Geisen, financial accountant
+46 523-795 92
[email protected]

Ann Mårtensson, financial accountant
+46 523-795 95
[email protected]

Hotel, conference and activities

Booking of accommodation, conference, arrangement and activities.
Daytime via phone and email, evening time via email and website. 
+46 523-795 90
[email protected] 

Camilla Törnebohm, visitor experience manager
+46 523-20 66 27
[email protected]

Marketing & Communications

Therese Patriksson, host and marketing chief
+46 523-795 93
[email protected]

Marie Mattsson, marketing coordinator
+46 523-20 65 54
[email protected]

Research & Education

Mats Niklasson, head of research and education
+46 523-795 98
[email protected] 

Björn Johansson, education
+46 523-791 81
[email protected]

Eva Andersson, education
+46 523-791 82
[email protected]

Ulrica Ahlrot, education
+46 523-791 86
[email protected]

Karin Amsten, research coordinator
+46 523-20 65 59
[email protected]

Zoological department

Ewa Wikberg, head of zoology
+46 523-797 81
[email protected]

Emma Nygren, head of conservation
+46 523-206 626
[email protected]

Sara Nilsson, zoology administration
+46 523-20 66 24
[email protected]

Alfred Lindskog, team leader
+46 523-20 66 21
[email protected]

Ingela Andersson, team leader
+46 523-795 48
[email protected]

Markus Svedin, team leader
+46 523-797 85
[email protected]

Sandra Josefsson, native breeds
+46 523-20 65 55
[email protected] 


Mikael Fredriksson, team leader
+ 46 523-795 43
[email protected]

The Friends of Nordens Ark

Hans Blomstrand, chairman
+46 72-234 11 65
[email protected]