Welcome to us during the winter midterm break! Opening hours

Degree project

At Nordens Ark, it is possible to place the practical part of a degree project, both at bachelor's and master's level. We offer projects within ethology, conservation biology and nutrition inside the zoo, and ecological restoration, practical nature conservation, and species inventory in the Ecopark.

We will help with your research questions and the field work. At the start of the project, we will be in contact with your home university to discuss arrangements etc. At the home university, you will also have your main supervisor.

During the field work, we can offer a limited number of students free accommodation at Nordens Ark. There are also hostels within driving, bus and cycling distance.

We have limitations on the number of students we can accept and therefore ask you to contact us about degree projects or if you have other questions. Contact Karin Amsten, [email protected]


Available projects

Demography of snow leopards in captivity

How long can a snow leopard in captivity live? When do they reproduce and how many offspring do they have? This knowledge can be used to learn more about the ecology of wild snow leopards. As Nordens Ark is the studbook keeper for the snow leopard, both in Europe and internationally, we have a large amount of information as well as long experience in breeding them.

Level: master

Period for data collection: year round


Identification of snow leopards

In our snow leopard research project, a large number of pictures of snow leopards have been collected, which can be used for identification. In this project, with the help of an observation group, you will study which part of the snow leopard that is most important for identifying an individual using the fur pattern.

Level: master

Period for data collection: year round


Pollinators in restored pastures (bachelor or master)

Since 2011, a restoration project has been running where we cut down spruce plantations and graze with cattle. In this project, you will collect pollinators in different species groups, using different standardized collection methods, mainly wild bees and butterflies. A comparative study with spruce plantations in the area is possible.

Level: bachelor or master

Period for data collection: April-October


Which tree species regenerate in grazed former forest land?

In this project, you will clear and inventory which trees "naturally" appear in our sample plots. There is an opportunity to compare with unprotected areas. Questions to study include which trees are seedlings and which are root shoots, as well as if there is any difference depending on when the production forest was felled.

Level: bachelor or master

Period for data collection: March-October


How does the amount of fuel in the form of grass affect fire intensity during prescribed burnings? how much grass is required for it to burn? (Bachelor's or Master's)

Since 2015, we have regularly burned our grasslands. In this project, we want to measure "fuel amount" (grass amount) in connection with burning. The amount of grass, which is the fuel when we burn, will be measured, along with the fire intensity. Questions to study include whether there is even fuel in the grazed areas and how much the fire intensity varies with different amounts of fuel.

Level: bachelor or master

Period for data collection: March-April


How are our iguanas affected by public presence?

Our Small Antillean Iguanas will get a new enclosure and have not been exposed to visitors so far. You will study how do they react in their new enclosure and how they react to visitors.

Level: bachelor or master

Period for data collection: spring/summer 2025