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Examples of degree projects that have been carried out at Nordens Ark

Habitat suitability and movement patterns of reintroduced green toad on Öland (Master thesis, Lunds University, 2023)

Jingpeng Cao studied how toads moved after being released on Öland using radio transmitters. The aim was to see which habitats the toads preferred and if the habitat they were released in was suitable for the toads.

Here you can download the whole thesis

Assessing the welfare of captive Lesser Antillean iguanas (Iguana delicatissima) using the Zoological Society of London’s (ZSL) Welfare Audit (Master thesis, Queen´s University of Belfast, 2023)

Elisabeth Crawford studied how to validate the welfare of Lesser Antillean iguanas using available welfare protocols. The purpose was partly to improve the welfare of the iguanas, partly to evaluate the suitability of the protocols for reptiles.

Here you can download the whole thesis (PDF-link)

Eye disorders in lesser white-fronted geese (Anser erythropus) in captivity (Master thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2023)

Linnea Lang studied possible causes of eye problems in lesser white-fronted geese. The lesser white-fronted geese on Nordens Ark have had eye problems that affected their welfare for many years. The study also presents possible causes through a solid literature review.

Here you can download the whole thesis

Feasibility of reintroduction of European Bison (Bison bonasus) to Sweden with focus on traffic accidents (Master thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2023)

Michal Topczewski studied how a reintroduction of the European bison, can affect road safety. The study is part of the investigation that aims to bring the bison back to Sweden, as it once existed here.

Here you can download the whole thesis

Effects of fuel and weather conditions on forest fire behaviour in Southern Sweden in oak dominated forests (Master thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2023)

Olga Wepryk studied how different weather conditions affected fire behavior in an oak-dominated forest. The purpose of the study was to gain a better knowledge of what affects fires and thus be able to control them.

Here you can download the whole thesis


Here you can find more examples of degree projects that have been carried out at or in collaboration with Nordens Ark.